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Libraries at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Mendeley Library Guide: Mendeley Desktop

The Rensselaer Community uses Mendeley. Mendeley is a reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data.

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Mendeley Reference Manager will replace Mendeley Desktop in the long run

As part of the continued evolution of Mendeley, from 1 September 2022, users will no longer be able to download and install Mendeley Desktop software. Existing users of Mendeley Desktop will continue to be able to sign into, use and sync their Mendeley Desktop.

Longer-term, once we are confident that the new Mendeley Reference Manager sufficiently meets your reference management needs, we will begin the process of stopping all sign-ins to Mendeley Desktop. We will be sure to give you plenty of notice before this happens.

(Source of information - last checked on 9/27/22)