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Libraries at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Open Access: OA Publishing at RPI

Description of OA publishing

RPI Libraries OA Subscription Policies

In the interest of responsible, sustainable management of library resources over the long term, the RPI Libraries prioritize cost-neutral subscription agreements, whether or not OA publishing is a factor in the licensing.

Many "Read & Publish" subscription models provide waiving of Open Access publishing charges for institution-affiliated authors along with subscription access to content. These models are much more costly than traditional, "Read-Only" subscriptions because the APC charges are being effectively added to the subscription price. Other models add incremental charges to the subscription cost as articles are published throughout the year. These types of agreements cannot be supported by the Libraries.

The Libraries do not cover or subsidize Article Processing Charges.

For a Read & Publish OA agreement to be considered for licensing by the Libraries, it must not require library-staff mediation, moderation, or approval of author submissions.

OA Read & Publish Agreements held by the RPI Libraries

Free Open Access publishing is available for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute authors in the following publishers' journals. Some points are noted here, but please refer to the publishers' websites (linked below) for information and instructions.

American Society for Microbiology Journals

ASM journals published under the Subscribe to Open model (S2O) - Rensselaer Libraries holds current subscriptions to all:

  • Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
  • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
  • Infection and immunity
  • Journal of Bacteriology
  • Journal of Clinical Microbiology
  • Journal of Virology

Information on S2O with ASM

Author FAQ

Note: Authors will not incur APCs, but standard page charges and supplemental material fees will still apply at a significant discount.

Astronomy & Astrophysics

A&A is published under a Subscribe to Open model (S2O) - S2O FAQ

Author information for A&A  open access publishing

Company of Biologists Journals

See the For authors dropdown for Open Access information on each journal's landing page:

Under the Institutional Read & Publish Open Access agreement, corresponding authors can publish an uncapped number of articles without paying the APC.

An APC payment link will be sent to the corresponding author at acceptance. Fee-free publication will be approved automatically based on the institutional details provided at article submission - the institutional email address must be used in the submission process.

All accepted articles are published under a CC BY license

Royal Society of Chemistry Journals

  • Free Open Access publishing in gold and hybrid-OA journals
  • Eligible Authors are identified by the Publisher through the institute's email domain
  • The Eligible Author must be the primary corresponding author as designated in the article submission system, and their Customer Site must be stated as their affiliation in both the article and the submission system.
  • RSC is not obligated to publish an article submitted by an Eligible Author on the basis of the agreement with RPI.
  • If an article is accepted for publication, the author will need to choose and sign a license, the appropriateness of which may depend on the funding body, the research institute requirements, or personal choice.
  • Available Creative Commons licenses are CC BY and CC BY-NC