Why would you create an author citation alert? Be notified by email when an author is cited on Scopus. You can create an Author Citation Alert on the Author Details page and from the Cited by information.
How to Create an Author Citation Alert
1. Select the author from either the search or the abstract screens.
2. From the author profile screen there are several places to create new two kinds of alerts.
- To be notified when the author publishes a new paper select the “Set Alert” button in the “Documents” row. You can also be notified by selecting the “Set Alert” button in the documents box on the right hand of the screen.
- To be alerted by email every time that an author’s work is cited by another work select the “Set Alert” button in the “Citations” row. You can also set the same alert in the “Citations” box on the right side of the screen next to the documents box.